Wednesday, March 3, 2010

To Be Continued

Really, he was lucky I didn't snap on his ass, but I was already in a foul mood so I was already in "I don't give a fuck" mode. You see, earlier, I broke down crying at work and...


I hate men!! I basically broke down at work because of some out of work issues. Really, I need to learn how to keep my personal life and work separate, but sometimes it's an issue that cannot be helped!! And if people keep picking, picking, picking, eventually it's going to cause a thread to break.

Basically, another cashier got into a pair of customers about running their card twice. Our receipts didn't print because the machine thought the order was a duplicate. But the customer said that his bank took out both amounts. I tried to explain to the men that we can't tell if we recieved the money until the next day, but one just HAD to get his money that day. The total for both run-throughs was about $25. And he was just being rude and I put up with it for awhile before I snapped at him and then started crying from my o.o.w. stress. His friend apologized to me, but gah, EMBARRASSING!! It was cleared up the next day, but fuck, it wasn't a big deal to begin with. I've gone to Nordstrom and had them run a purse I bought twice, and that shit cost $100 and I didnt' bitch. I just waited until the next day. But this guy was just rude off the bat despite me telling him it would be cleared by tomorrow. Geez.. are you that broke you don't have over $25 in the bank?? If so, then you don't need to come to the liquor store.

I just hope it doesn't happen again. The breakdown I mean... but the whole card situation was ridiculously annoying.

I'm currently at work now on my laptop attempting to aoid all eye contact with people trying to talk to me. Everytime I am on my laptop, without fail, someone asks if I'm doing homework/studying.

Well... if I am, why are you interrupting me? if I knew smeone was doing work, the last tihng I would do is interrupt them to ask if they're doing work! And, most of the time, I'm not doing work anyway so it's just annoying to constantly have people ask. If I'm on thec computer, i could be doing a variety of things: playing a game, actually doing work, reading gossip blogs, writing on my blog... the possibilities are endless, so really, regardless of what I'm doing online, it's none of your business.

And I say that in the most polite way possible.

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